Our mission is to unlock global access to medical innovation

At medikana, our vision is to make the global medtech industry more transparent and easy to understand. We're an MIT-backed company focused on helping device manufacturers expand to new markets to make life-changing medical technologies accessible globally.

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Meet Our Team

headshot of maria corina negron, ceo of medikana
Corina Negron
CEO & Co-Founder

Corina has a extensive background in sales and business development within the medtech sector. She has commercialized medical devices in more than 35 countries, contributing to her company's successful exit. During her tenure as Health Economics Director at Scientist.com, she led fastest-growing category on the largest AI-powered platform for pharmaceutical research. Additionally, her experience within venture capital, private equity, and consulting has cultivated her deep entrepreneurial insight. Corina holds a Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering from Boston University and an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Our Board of Advisors

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Et Et Itaque Sed
Incidunt reiciendis
Sunt cupiditate
Similique Saepe
Dicta amet
Nisi Consequatur
Non quia voluptas

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